The most important thing to consider when getting your piercing is making sure you get it done by a professional piercer who uses proper procedures.
Piercing guns may not be as safe as people think. Guns can't be properly sterilized between customers, and they can't pierce cleanly or at the right angle, especially on cartilage. In addition, the force of the gun can shatter delicate ear cartilage.
Make sure you're up-to-date on tetanus and that your immunizations are current before you get pierced.
If you don't like the way your piercing looks or feels, give it time to heal before deciding to take the jewelry out. Taking out the jewelry can cause your piercing to close while it's still healing and can lead to infection or scarring.
A piercing might take a couple of years to heal completely. If you have any problems with your piercing, see a dermatologist for treatment.
You might want to consider having tattoos removed if:
You no longer like one or more of your tattoos
Your tattoo has blurred over time because of aging or weight fluctuations
You're in a profession where visible tattoos might limit your job opportunities